Reactive Data

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Table Demo

Kendra 838-0609
Eleanor 388-6308
Helen 580-1053
Richard 280-6211
Hubert 771-0168
Clint 471-3480
Mr. Melvin 241-5706
Eddie Dickens 637-5272
Christian 550-2439
Earnest 925-7502


In this guide, we'll extend your knowledge of creating a table in Svelte by focusing on handling reactive data.

Before proceeding, you should already know how to create and render a basic table.

Adding Data to a $state Rune

The first step is to make the data reactive by storing it in a $state. In Svelte 5, $state is a signal that allows you to track and update state changes in a reactive manner. This ensures that when the data changes, the table will automatically update to reflect those changes.

<script lang="ts">
  type Props = {
    data: PageData;

  let { data }: Props = $props();
  let { userProfiles } = data;

  // Create a reactive state for the user profiles data using a $state rune.
  let dataState = $state(userProfiles);

Creating the Table

To make the table reactive, we need to pass the data property as a getter function to createSvelteTable. This approach ensures that the table dynamically responds to changes in dataState.

<script lang="ts">
  import { type UserProfile } from '$lib/services/user-profile'; 
  import { createColumnHelper, createSvelteTable, getCoreRowModel } from '$lib/table'; 

  type Props = {
    data: PageData;

  let { data }: Props = $props();
  let { userProfiles } = data;

  let dataState = $state(userProfiles);

  const colHelp = createColumnHelper<UserProfile>(); 

  const columnDefs = [ 
    colHelp.accessor('name', { header: 'Name' }), 
    colHelp.accessor('age', { header: 'Age' }), 
    colHelp.accessor('email', { header: 'Email' }), 
    colHelp.accessor('phone', { header: 'Phone' }) 

  const table = createSvelteTable({ 
    // The data field is defined as a getter to ensure it is reactive.
    get data() { 
      return dataState; 
    columns: columnDefs, 
    getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel() 
  • Reactive Data: By implementing the data property as a getter, any change to dataState will automatically trigger the table to re-render with the updated data.
  • Benefit: This setup makes the table's data handling straightforward and automatically keeps it in sync with state changes.

Mutating Data

We will create two functions to modify the table data: one to add a record at the beginning and another to remove the last record. It's crucial to reassign the dataState variable when updating the data to ensure reactivity.

<script lang="ts">
  import { type UserProfile } from '$lib/services/user-profile';
  import { createColumnHelper, createSvelteTable, getCoreRowModel } from '$lib/table';

  type Props = {
    data: PageData;

  let { data }: Props = $props();
  let { userProfiles } = data;

  let dataState = $state(userProfiles);

  const colHelp = createColumnHelper<UserProfile>();

  const columnDefs = [
    colHelp.accessor('name', { header: 'Name' }),
    colHelp.accessor('age', { header: 'Age' }),
    colHelp.accessor('email', { header: 'Email' }),
    colHelp.accessor('phone', { header: 'Phone' })

  const table = createSvelteTable({
    get data() {
      return dataState;
    columns: columnDefs,
    getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel()

  function prependRecord() { 
    dataState = [UserProfileService.getOne(), ...dataState]; 

  function popRecord() { 
    dataState = dataState.slice(0, dataState.length - 1); 

<div class="actions-wrapper">
  <hr />
  <button onclick={() => prependRecord()}> Prepend a Record </button>
  <button onclick={() => popRecord()}> Pop a Record </button>

🗒️ Note: The dataState variable must be reassigned after mutation (dataState = ...) to ensure that the change is detected and triggers an update in the UI.

Rendering the Table in the Markup

Finally, we render the table using Svelte's templating syntax. Since the table data is reactive, it will automatically update when you modify dataState using the functions created above.

      {#each table.getHeaderGroups() as headerGroup}
        {#each headerGroup.headers as header}
            <FlexRender content={header.column.columnDef.header} context={header.getContext()} />
    {#each table.getRowModel().rows as row}
        {#each row.getVisibleCells() as cell}
            <FlexRender content={cell.column.columnDef.cell} context={cell.getContext()} />